Concept Map Scoring Guide

Criteria Superior Good Fair Needs Improvement

Map shows all levels of hierarchy with no confusion of levels. (8-7 points) 

Map shows almost all levels of hierarchy with little confusion of the levels.  (6-5 points) Map shows 2 or 3 levels but confusion of concepts and where they belong. (4-3 points) Map shows fewer than three levels with no distinct hierarchy. (2-0 points) 
Branches Almost all to all levels of branches are logical and accurate. All concepts are understood and used accurately. (8-7 points)  Most levels of branches are logical and accurate. Student shows main concept understanding with few mistakes of terms. (6-5 points) 

Some levels of branches are logical and accurate. Some misconception in concepts and grouping of concepts. (4-3 points) Few, if any, levels of branches are logical and accurate. Concepts are used inaccurately and student does not understand terms and concepts. (2-0 points) 
Linking Words Almost all to all linking words are logical and accurate. (8-7 points)  Most linking words are logical and accurate. (6-5 points)  Some linking words are logical and accurate. (4-3 points)  Few, if any, linking words are logical and accurate.
(2-0 points) 
Crosslinks 3 or more valid crosslinks.
(3 points) 
2 valid crosslinks.
(2 points) 
1 valid crosslinks.
(1 point) 
No crosslinks.
(0 points) 
Presentation and Legibility Map is presented with no spelling errors. The map is legible and neat. (8-7 points) The map has very few spelling errors. The map is legible. (6-5 points)  

The map has spelling errors and is partly legible. (4-3 points)  

The map has many spelling errors. The map is sloppy and illegible. (2-0 points) 



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