DESE Frameworks Addressed:
VII. Living Systems
A. Structure/Function/Characteristics
1. Cells are the fundamental structural and functional units of all living organisms and take highly varied forms in different plants, animals and microorganisms.
a. use appropriate technology and other resources to compare and contrast ways in which special cells carry out reproduction, photosynthesis, respiration, mitosis, meiosis, etc. (1.4; 1.6)
2. Cells have distinct and separate structures that perform and monitor processes essential for the survival of the cell and/or organism, such as chemical synthesis, energy conversion, material transport, and cell replication.
Science Grade Level Expectations
Standard 4: Changes in Ecosystems and Interactions of Organisms With Their Environments
1. Organisms are interdependent with one another and with their environment
B. Plants and animals have specialized structures or behaviors (adaptations) that help them survive in their environment.
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