
In groups, student will brainstorm diseases that they have heard about.  Then, teacher directed discussion will begin and a chart (see below)  will be completed dealing with the acquisition of conditions.  The chart will attempt to determine if the specified conditions are genetically transmitted or a factor of the environment or from some other factor.    Students will be reminded that even with DNA information lending towards illness, some things can be done to prevent or lessen the severity of symptoms.   

The students will identify conditions they know about, and hopefully they will hit upon a few of the ones identified in the teacher chart.  They will complete the chart below in their small groups and fill in any further implications when it is reviewed as a class.

Students will be directed to view DNA and heredity? at Tour of the Basics and answer the question. “How do we inherit characteristics from our parents?” 



Genetic Environmental Other
Heart Disease    






























Sickle Cell Anemia    






Down’s Syndrome    









Teacher Notes

Concept Introduction
