


The application phase of this lesson is the investigation and analysis of evidence to solve the ‘crime’.  The students will perform the experiments listed on the application page and analyze the results to determine what actually happened.  Each team will be required to write a report of their scenario of the event, justifying their conclusion by incorporating their results of the evidence to serve as the proof to defend their position.  


The students will divided into groups, and together, review and collaborate the evidence they gathered in the exploration exercise.  Independently, they will decide which tests they need to perform to determine who is guilty.  The group will write up a report describing their evidence and how the results of their tests led them to their conclusions.


Solving the Crime:


After all of the evidence at the crime scene has been examined, I have each student write what they think happened. They have the choice of whether there really was a crime or if the victim is on his way somewhere. Our school is located near train tracks, so I always have a statement saying that the victim was seen hoping a train.


They can propose whatever scenario they want as long as they have evidence to support what they say. They must include each piece of evidence in their scenario.


Their final report includes everything that they have done during the project including their drawings and list from the first day, their index cards from the suspects statements and the police report, and their laboratory report with the suspect that matches each piece of evidence.


Tests to be performed or evidence to be gathered:


Lab Technician Report





Lip Prints


Mystery Powders

Paper Fiber

Secret Note

Simulated Blood


Teacher Notes

Concept Introduction
